I have not had a moment's peace in several weeks. Between paying guests and children's activities I have been run ragged. I have been ordering fabric and patterns in the hope that as soon as my student helper arrives from Austria I will have a bit more leisure time!!!
We are growing very concerned about the tourist season, we need the income that I make from Bed and Breakfast to help us get through the winter and the past two winters have been difficult. We (farmer boy and I) have decided that the B&B will close this September and I will return to the workforce (the one outside the home!!!!), it is becoming increasingly difficult to earn a wage and the children are suffering because of the demands on my time. I am soooo excited to be reentering the real world and taking some courses to update my skills, even the children are happy! Of course I promised them a big holiday to Disney World Florida if they pitch in and do their fair share, actually I'm the one who wants to go to Disney and it would be cruel to leave them behind!!! Farmer Boy and I are huge fans of the waterparks, I kid you not we are overgrown children when it comes to water and Disney!!!
Many apologies for not writing, I have been toiling away and barely had enough time to read my emails. I am trying to work out a system this week of cutting fabric for patterns and then putting them in ziplock bags for safekeeping. This hopefully will make it easier to just pick up some piecing when I have a free moment, NOT!!!
So Long and keep smiling!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Sugar n' spice!

In Ireland, the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) is the glue that holds every parish together. It is particularly strong out here in the coutryside amongst the Farm boys (and girls). Hurling is the fastest field sport in the world and is very exciting to watch. The hurleys are made from Ash trees and hurt when you get hit with one (the stick not the tree). I wanted to publicly say that there was not one tear shed during this game, however I have been to a few boys' matches where there was alot of crying taking place.

I also want to note that it was bitter, bitter cold today and the wind was unreal while standing watching this match and I stood with friends on the sidelines the whole time. Farmer Boy and DS2 at half time went and watched the second half from the car. Big Babies!!!!! When my daughter asked where her daddy was I said that he was in the car because he was cold, she shook her head. GIRL POWER or as she says, "Girls rule, boys drool"!!!!!! Please give me strength......
Keep smiling and see you soon!
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